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CardideStation Trademarks


"Carbide Station" is a registered trademark of the company NIKOLAOS SIATRAS which is based in Holargos, Serifou 10, 15562 and is legally represented, with VAT No. 135479580, Tax Department of Holargos, Business Registry ID: 142557902000

Prohibited Use

You may not use Carbide Station trademarks in a manner which could cause confusion as to Carbide Station sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement. Take particular care not to use Carbide Station marks as set out below.

Company, Product or Service Names
Do not use Carbide Station trademarks or potentially confusing variations as all or part of your company, product or service names.
If you wish to note the relationship of your products or services to Carbide Station products or services, please use an appropriate tag line as detailed above.
For example, "XYZ for Carbide Station Product" not "Carbide XYZ or XYZ Station"

For more information regarding use of Carbide Station logos, please contact us.

Trade Dress
You must not imitate Carbide Station trade dress, type style or logos. For instance, do not copy Carbide Station packaging for use with your product or display your product name in the distinctive logotype associated with the Carbide Station logo.

Domain Names
Do not use Carbide Station trademarks or potentially confusing variations in your Internet domain name. This helps prevent Internet users from being confused as to whether you or Carbide Station is the source of the Web site.

"Carbide Station" as a Trade name

Trade names are the actual business names of companies. Trademarks and trade names are not the same, even though many companies use their trade names as trademarks. If you are using "Carbide Station" as a substitute for Carbide Station Corporation, you are using it as a trade name. Because they are nouns, trade names can be used in the possessive and do not require a generic term or a trademark symbol. Thus, you should not use a ® after "Carbide Station" when it appears as part of the full corporate name or as a trade name.